Posty Zapisane
hej zupowicze!
Znacie jakieś sposoby na zapisanie wszystkich
postów ze swojego bloga na dysk twardy?
Kiedyś na była taka możliwość
hey soupers!
Do You know some ways to save all of your
posts, image and stuff from your blog to your hard drive?
There used to be such a possibility on
hola sopas!
Conoces algunas formas de salvarlos a todos.
publicaciones de su blog a su disco duro?
Solía haber tal posibilidad en
Do you only want to save the Media or all Posts in an XML Format? So you don't loose links and Texts?
The media would be enough
…but you can also share the second method. Perhaps if someone finds this post, it will be useful to this person :)
Well as I recall it there was some sort of python script to save the content from the soup... it worked mediocre good though
I should still have it somewhere, i can see if I find the script or github link
found it:
Thank You noxeo! I'll try it in a moment :)
no problem... as told it did not work too well on soup since soup did not have unique page identifiers (like you have here in the form: "") and it also was not able to handle timeouts well (I had to set the timer to some hours so the script would retry the connection)... if you are familiar with python and want to write a script, I would really welcome it though if you posted it here :D
Btw, loforo has an API so i reckon it might be waaaay easier to interact with this site:
They say you can only create posts at the time being but they will add functionality to retrieve posts as well